Our MissionWe believe that the “core” of the Gospel involves two components, (1) Accepting and loving Jesus as our Savior; and (2) Living a life in accordance with the teachings of Jesus.
To these ends, most Christians will find (2) most difficult. In this age, we are frequently offered a false hope that Christianity will provide happiness and inner-peace.
However, while accapting Jesus does provide eternal salvation, Christians are more often than not persecuted for their beliefs. In fact, the world of everyday work is sometimes extremely difficult in modern society, if one is to live my Biblical principles.
Frequently, being a Christian entails persecution, suffering and often a life of poverty — outside the main-stream. The cliche’ “nice guys finish last,” has more than a little truth to it.
As Christians, we are called to accept Jesus, and to do our best to live as Jesus asked us to. This is to say that we are called to speak up against drugs, alochol, smoking, and unethical behavior. When the laws of humankind come into conflict with God’s law, we must attempt to follow God’s law.
Our Church will be an on-line support group and prayer group for radical Christians who attempt to follow God’s law. None of us are perfect, and many of us will be breaking God’s law just to “earn a living.” But the aim of our Church is clear. We will be a mutual support and prayer group to exchange e-mails for those who promise to do their best to follow God’s law.
Our world can be a harsh place. Many times the laws of humankind will conflict with God’s law. Our Church will offer love and warmth for those who struggle with these issues. As we are on-line, we will help assist those who seek support, but whose schedule does not allow intense Church involement. We understand that the Church is not a building, but our very lives, and all who fall into our sphere of influence.
We believe that the power of prayer will lead us into Light. We know that it is God’s will that we be placed in positions where we can more fully obey God’s law (the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus).
The Virgen de Guadalupe is an aspect of the Blessed Virgen Mary. She is the mother of all, and a champion of those who seek Jesus through humility and service. She is the comforter of those in need, and will meet us exactly where we are. She helps us to love Jesus, and shows us that the poor and meek are the true “chosen” people of God. She will help us to choose Jesus. She will help us to choose the well-being of others over individual and corporate profits.
Praise Jesus! Praise the Blessed Lady of Guadalupe!
Our MissionWe believe that the “core” of the Gospel involves two components, (1) Accepting and loving Jesus as our Savior; and (2) Living a life in accordance with the teachings of Jesus.
To these ends, most Christians will find (2) most difficult. In this age, we are frequently offered a false hope that Christianity will provide happiness and inner-peace.
However, while accapting Jesus does provide eternal salvation, Christians are more often than not persecuted for their beliefs. In fact, the world of everyday work is sometimes extremely difficult in modern society, if one is to live my Biblical principles.
Frequently, being a Christian entails persecution, suffering and often a life of poverty — outside the main-stream. The cliche’ “nice guys finish last,” has more than a little truth to it.
As Christians, we are called to accept Jesus, and to do our best to live as Jesus asked us to. This is to say that we are called to speak up against drugs, alochol, smoking, and unethical behavior. When the laws of humankind come into conflict with God’s law, we must attempt to follow God’s law.
Our Church will be an on-line support group and prayer group for radical Christians who attempt to follow God’s law. None of us are perfect, and many of us will be breaking God’s law just to “earn a living.” But the aim of our Church is clear. We will be a mutual support and prayer group to exchange e-mails for those who promise to do their best to follow God’s law.
Our world can be a harsh place. Many times the laws of humankind will conflict with God’s law. Our Church will offer love and warmth for those who struggle with these issues. As we are on-line, we will help assist those who seek support, but whose schedule does not allow intense Church involement. We understand that the Church is not a building, but our very lives, and all who fall into our sphere of influence.
We believe that the power of prayer will lead us into Light. We know that it is God’s will that we be placed in positions where we can more fully obey God’s law (the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus).
The Virgen de Guadalupe is an aspect of the Blessed Virgen Mary. She is the mother of all, and a champion of those who seek Jesus through humility and service. She is the comforter of those in need, and will meet us exactly where we are. She helps us to love Jesus, and shows us that the poor and meek are the true “chosen” people of God. She will help us to choose Jesus. She will help us to choose the well-being of others over individual and corporate profits.
Praise Jesus! Praise the Blessed Lady of Guadalupe!
Our Staff
Rick Davis
Pastor ✤ RickyDs99@aol.com