We hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, and therefore adhere to the Doctrines of Grace. We believe we are responsible to preach the gospel and do all we can, by God’s grace to reach out to the lost. We also hold to a firm strict form of worship devoid of any entertainment and the employment of worldly-idiom worship, believing that this is not being an option, but as Scripture so demands. We hold to all the pillars of the reformed faith as articulated by the Reformers: Sola Scriptura (Scriptures only); Sola Christus (Christ only); Sola Fide (Faith only); Sola Gratia (Grace alone); and Soli Deo Gloria (The committment to the Glory of God)
We hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, and therefore adhere to the Doctrines of Grace. We believe we are responsible to preach the gospel and do all we can, by God’s grace to reach out to the lost. We also hold to a firm strict form of worship devoid of any entertainment and the employment of worldly-idiom worship, believing that this is not being an option, but as Scripture so demands. We hold to all the pillars of the reformed faith as articulated by the Reformers: Sola Scriptura (Scriptures only); Sola Christus (Christ only); Sola Fide (Faith only); Sola Gratia (Grace alone); and Soli Deo Gloria (The committment to the Glory of God)
We run: 1. Sunday School for children, Juniors, Seniors, and Adults 2. JV (Junior Varsity) Club, who meet Sunday afternoons 3:30-5:30 PM 3. Bible Correspondence Courses 4. Bible School (known as the Reformed Baptist Bible Institute) 5. An Outreach Programme to Mataheko (a surburb of Dansoman) 6. Youth Fellowship who meet on Fridays, 7:00-8:30 PM. 7. Ladies Fellowship who meet on Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM. -We are still working on our church building, and do pray for support. -We are praying for help to have a Radio ministry, preaching at least two gospel/evangelistic sermons a week on air. -We are seriously considering church planting opportunities.
Our Services & Events
Sunday School Children-Adults
Sun, 8:00-10:00 (A.M
Gospel Service (A.M)
Sunday, 10:15-12:00
Teaching Service (P.M)
Sunday, 6:00-7:30
Mid-Week Prayer Meeting
Wednesday, 7:00-8:30
Bible Studies, (P.M)
Thursday, 7:00-8:30
Children’s Club/Visitation (P.
Sat, 3:00-7:00 (P.M)
Our Staff
Ferguson Kcofie
Pastor ✤ ferkcofie@yahoo.co.uk
Francis Yalley
Deacon ✤ (none, for now. Will supply later)
Richard Wortey
Deacon ✤ (none for now. Will supply later)
Erasmus Baidoo
Deacon ✤ (none for now. Will supply later)
Clement Addo
Deacon ✤ (none for now. Will supply later)