A Church Experiencing Revival
Our fervent prayer has been that the Holy Spirit would visit the Michiana area with a great revival. That has started to happen. One Sunday morning the Holy Spirit showed up in great power and our services have never been the same since. Our worship, which had always been wonderful soon became dynamic.
We’ve witnessed several supernatural healings among which are cancer (a young man with three months to live) and sugar diabetes. The fire is building rapidly and we’re believing for a spiritual move which will impact this area for Christ as never before!
As Philip said to Nathaniel, “Come and see.”
A Church Experiencing Revival
Our fervent prayer has been that the Holy Spirit would visit the Michiana area with a great revival. That has started to happen. One Sunday morning the Holy Spirit showed up in great power and our services have never been the same since. Our worship, which had always been wonderful soon became dynamic.
We’ve witnessed several supernatural healings among which are cancer (a young man with three months to live) and sugar diabetes. The fire is building rapidly and we’re believing for a spiritual move which will impact this area for Christ as never before!
As Philip said to Nathaniel, “Come and see.”
Worship in Spirit and in Truth
Praise and worship are the hallmarks of The Oasis Praise and Worship center. The worship experience ought to be dynamic and exciting, not boring! Jesus said that we must be “BORN again,” not “BORED again.” Our people are alive with a joy and excitement born out of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We have indeed exchanged the spirit of heaviness for the garment of praise.
How often we’ve seen the downcast, the discuraged, the depressed come into our services. Then, after being exposed to lively praise and worship leave differently than when they came.
Our Services & Events
Worship service
Sunday 10 A.M.
Evening service
Sunday 6 P.M.
Teaching service
Thursday 7 P.M.
Our Staff
Burton Seavey
Senior pastor ✤ BURTseavey@AOL.com
Donna Seavey
Co-pastor ✤ DONNAseavey@AOL.com
Eric Seavey
Associate pastor ✤ preachere@AOL.com