We are a Church of the Holy Spirit
We welcome all to our services each week in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we are a small and happy church and we are pleased to have you join us. The Pastor is always pleased to talk after each service to any one who would like to see him to discuss problems and any private matter.
We are a Church of the Holy SpiritWe welcome all to our services each week in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ we are a small and happy church
and we are pleased to have you join us.
The Pastor is always pleased to talk after each service
to any one who would like to see him to discuss problems
and any private matter.
We invite prayer requests from all those in needPrayer is the central point of our services and we
cordialley invite you join us.
we also invite you to telephone us with your requests
Special Services are also held throughout the year
and times of crisis please E.Mail us on any subject
we will be pleased to hear from you
Yours very Sincerely
Pastor Gerald Sister June
Our Services & Events
Intercessory Prayer
10-00am Sunday
Worship & Praise 11-00am
Childrens worship
Prayer 3-00pm
Evening Service 6-00
Midweek Fellowship
Commence 7-00pm
Our Staff
Gerald Bywell
PASTOR ✤ pastorgerald@churches.net
June Bywell
CO PASTOR ✤ kingofkings@dcmail.com