GET GOD INVOLVEDNo perso, o matter how strog or powerful he or she may be i life that ca succeed o his or her ow. Every success is a direct fuctio of some basic iput ad elemets. God is the costat basic ifluece i the life of people. David kew this cocept well whe he said “The earth is the Lords ad the fulless thereof ad they that dwell therei. He kows everyoe, their eeds ad what they ca do ad what they deserve per time. Thigs may ever work-out, o matter how coected you are util God is ivolved.
DELARE THIS – O God that rides o the wigs of the wid, graciously make a way for me today out of othig for your ow glory, i Jesus ame.
GET GOD INVOLVEDNo perso, o matter how strog or powerful he or she may be i life that ca succeed o his or her ow. Every success is a direct fuctio of some basic iput ad elemets. God is the costat basic ifluece i the life of people. David kew this cocept well whe he said “The earth is the Lords ad the fulless thereof ad they that dwell therei. He kows everyoe, their eeds ad what they ca do ad what they deserve per time. Thigs may ever work-out, o matter how coected you are util God is ivolved.
DELARE THIS – O God that rides o the wigs of the wid, graciously make a way for me today out of othig for your ow glory, i Jesus ame.
Our Services & Events
digging deep
Tuesday 6-8pm
Interdenominational fellowship
wednesdays 6 – 8 pm
Sunday service
8 – 11am
Our Staff
Pastor Sam Daniels
Senior Pastor ✤
Chinyelu Daniels
Pastor ✤
Williams Okeke
Pastor ✤