What we believeThe Church of Christ strives to be a non-denominational group of Christians who desire to live and to love as Jesus did. Our goal is to be New Testament Christians, following the Bible alone as our guide in all religious matters. Using the Bible’s example of the New Testament church’s worship and teachings, we strive to restore that exact same church in the twentieth century. We are not intending to establish another denomination, but rather, a return to the original church.
The Bible teaches that when a person chooses to become a Christian, he should accept Jesus as his Lord, and by his authority, be immersed in water, with the understanding that baptism is necessary in order to receive the forgiveness of sins. “…Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…” (Acts 2:38). There is no other criteria to become a member of the church, other than that of becoming a Christian. At that time the Lord adds you to His church. “…And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47)
What we believeThe Church of Christ strives to be a non-denominational group of Christians who desire to live and to love as Jesus did. Our goal is to be New Testament Christians, following the Bible alone as our guide in all religious matters. Using the Bible’s example of the New Testament church’s worship and teachings, we strive to restore that exact same church in the twentieth century. We are not intending to establish another denomination, but rather, a return to the original church.
The Bible teaches that when a person chooses to become a Christian, he should accept Jesus as his Lord, and by his authority, be immersed in water, with the understanding that baptism is necessary in order to receive the forgiveness of sins. “…Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…” (Acts 2:38). There is no other criteria to become a member of the church, other than that of becoming a Christian. At that time the Lord adds you to His church. “…And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47)
Invitation to Worship with UsWe are a congregation of 350+ members, most of which are involved in one of many ministries that show our love for one another. We support missionaries in Brazil, Greece, India, and other countries. We have several adult classes as well as those for children from age two through high school It is our desire that you worship with us at the next appointed time.
Our Services & Events
Morning Bible Class
Morning Worship
Evening Worship
Sunday 6:00pm
Midweek services
Open Bible Study
Ladies Bible Study
Thursday 10:00am
Our Staff
Kenneth Hoover
Minister ✤