DISCOVER SOUTHSIDEGod so loved us that he gave HIS SON, to bring forgiveness of sin and healing from it’s guilt. It is this wonderful message we long to share with those around us.
We assemble each Sunday to give praise to the Lord who provides us with this wonderful gift. Our worship is a spirit-filled, joyous celebration that naturally come from thos who love the Lord.
When you visit, you will discover a place where people care about each other deeply. And that same love will be extended to you and your family.
Our Goal is to train and develope disciples, more disciples, better disciples for Jesus. We Welcome You!
DISCOVER SOUTHSIDEGod so loved us that he gave HIS SON, to bring forgiveness of sin and healing from it’s guilt. It is this wonderful message we long to share with those around us.
We assemble each Sunday to give praise to the Lord who provides us with this wonderful gift. Our worship is a spirit-filled, joyous celebration that naturally come from thos who love the Lord.
When you visit, you will discover a place where people care about each other deeply. And that same love will be extended to you and your family.
Our Goal is to train and develope disciples, more disciples, better disciples for Jesus. We Welcome You!
ON YOUR FIRST VISITEveryone is welcome to worship, study, workand growwith us. It is with great anticipation: we look forward to your visit.
We will geet you with a warm and friendly smile. We know that visiting a new Church can be intimidating. Therefore, when you visit, we will try to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
We won’t embarass you or make you answer a series of questions. We will take up a collection/offering, but visitors are’nt expected to contribute anything. You will enjoy spirit-filled singing, feverent praying, anointed teaching from the Bible and The Holy Communion will be served.
Our Staff
Harold Rollinson
Pastor/Teacher ✤
Victor Martin
Minister of Education ✤
Deweyne Robinson
Minister of Music ✤