The mission of Smith Memorial A.M.E. Church is to present to the world the message of salvation,through biblical teacing, revelant preaching and outreach ministries that conveys the love, joy and peace that only the Savoir of the world can give. We also endeavor to lift the fallen, comfort the lonely, aid the distress, the sick, afflicted discouraged as we imulate “Gods Hands Extended”. Above all we are a boby of believers who beielve that God is a Spirit and they worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
The mission of Smith Memorial A.M.E. Church is to present to the world the message of salvation,through biblical teacing, revelant preaching and outreach ministries that conveys the love, joy and peace that only the Savoir of the world can give. We also endeavor to lift the fallen, comfort the lonely, aid the distress, the sick, afflicted discouraged as we imulate “Gods Hands Extended”. Above all we are a boby of believers who beielve that God is a Spirit and they worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.The Smith Memorial MinistryWe as a body of believers have vowed to do more than belong, we will paritcipate. We will do more than care, we will help. We will do more than be fair, we will be kind. We will do more than forgive, we will restore. We will do more than earn, we will enrich. We will do more than teach, we will inspire. We will do more than give, we will serve. We will do more than live, we will grow. We will do more than be friendly, we willbe a friend.
Our Services & Events
Christian Education/YPD
6:00 / Wednesdays
Prayer Meetings
6:00/ Wednesdays
Bible Study
7:00 Wednesday
Music Ministry Rehearsals
6:30/ Thursdays
Sons of Allen
10:00/ Satudays
Missionary Ministry
8:00/2nd Saturdays
Our Staff
Rev. Wanda Robinson
Pastor ✤ wdr.401@jaguar1.usouthal.edu
Rev. Ralph Sylvester
Assistant Pastor ✤
Rev. Clifton Thomas
Assistant Pastor ✤
Rev. David J. Smith
Founding Pastor Emeritus ✤
Bro. Thomas Smith
Chairman of Steward Board ✤