Dalit Christians Tamilnadu,IndiaThe SPIRIT OF LIFE MISSION is a Christian charity Organization whose aims are:
To care for the underprivileged Dalits in the society i.e. the poor, destitutes, widows, orphans and abandoned children in the society.
To engage in charity work of all description and generally demonstrate the Love of God to all men irrespective of race, color or creed.
The above can only be achieved by the propagation and demonstration of the two-handed Gospel- Bread in one hand and the Word of God in the other. SOLM’s vision is to minister to the total man, SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY. Jesus ministered to the total man. Where there was a need, he met that need. We as his disciples are commanded to do likewise. He compels us to:
Give our surplus to the poor (Luke 3:11)
To provide them with food, clothes and shelter as much as we can. (James 2:15-8, Acts 2:45, Acts 4:34-35), Luke 3:11, Matt: 15; 32-39)
To preach the Gospel to them (Luke 4:18, Matt. 11:5, Mark 16:15)
To pray for them, encourage them and counsel them (2 Cor.8:1-7, Gal 2:10)
Our motivation is God’s great desire that the poor dalits should not feel forsaken and forgotten and forgotten by him. God is calling all disciples at this time in our nation to go back to the times of the early Church when the love of God manifested not through mere words but through sharing, giving and serving. The love of God for humanity can only be expressed through his people not only in words but also in deeds.
The ultimate purpose
Main Objectives Encouragement of the Dalits through distribution of food accompanied with prayers and counseling.
Empowerment of the Dalits through the Business Support Schemes, and monthly allowance for the elderly.
Enlightenment of the poor through weekly teaching of the Bible.
Dalit Christians Tamilnadu,IndiaThe SPIRIT OF LIFE MISSION is a Christian charity Organization whose aims are:
To care for the underprivileged Dalits in the society i.e. the poor, destitutes, widows, orphans and abandoned children in the society.
To engage in charity work of all description and generally demonstrate the Love of God to all men irrespective of race, color or creed.
The above can only be achieved by the propagation and demonstration of the two-handed Gospel- Bread in one hand and the Word of God in the other. SOLM’s vision is to minister to the total man, SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY. Jesus ministered to the total man. Where there was a need, he met that need. We as his disciples are commanded to do likewise. He compels us to:
Give our surplus to the poor (Luke 3:11)
To provide them with food, clothes and shelter as much as we can. (James 2:15-8, Acts 2:45, Acts 4:34-35), Luke 3:11, Matt: 15; 32-39)
To preach the Gospel to them (Luke 4:18, Matt. 11:5, Mark 16:15)
To pray for them, encourage them and counsel them (2 Cor.8:1-7, Gal 2:10)
Our motivation is God’s great desire that the poor dalits should not feel forsaken and forgotten and forgotten by him. God is calling all disciples at this time in our nation to go back to the times of the early Church when the love of God manifested not through mere words but through sharing, giving and serving. The love of God for humanity can only be expressed through his people not only in words but also in deeds.
The ultimate purpose
Main Objectives Encouragement of the Dalits through distribution of food accompanied with prayers and counseling.
Empowerment of the Dalits through the Business Support Schemes, and monthly allowance for the elderly.
Enlightenment of the poor through weekly teaching of the Bible.
Promotion of human dignity with social justice to the marginalized urban and rural poor an s attain a sustainable participatory development to lead a life with harmony and peace which is to be executed with commitment.
Disciplining the people of India leading to Transformation of the Nation.
Is this possible in our Lifetime?
Is this just a wishful dream or will it become a reality?
God can do anything, you know, far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dream. Ephesians 3:20
WHO is SOLM in India?
It is a federation of ministries and missions in India committed to finishing the task of the great commission with a clear time bound goal and a well-defined strategy.
How to finish the task of the great commission in India?
Biblical Basis of the Church transformation Strategy in India:
Matthew 28:18-20. Matthew 24:14, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47, John 20:21. Acts 1:8, Rev. 7:9. Luke 8:1, 9:6. Rev. 7:9
We have divided the strategy into two parts:
Massive prayer mobilization – YOUTH and KID’s MISSION
Systematic church planting with time bound goals.
Our Staff
Rev Dr S Hannah Nesamani
Founder/President ✤ sols.india@rediffmail.com
Thambi Sundaram
Vice President ✤ senior.adults@rediffmail.com
THT Ranjan
Youth Mission ✤ youth.mission@rediffmail.com
Abhishek Sundher
Kids Mission ✤ kids.mission@rediffmail.com