  • A.M.E - African Methodist Episcopal Church
  • A.M.E. Zion - African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
  • American Baptist Church
  • Anglican Church
  • AOG - Assemblies of God Church
  • AVC Church
  • Baptist - American Baptist Church
  • Baptist - Free Will Baptist Church
  • Baptist Church
  • Baptist Church - Others
  • Baptist Church - Southern Baptist Church
  • Bible Church
  • Catholic
  • Catholic Church
  • CE Church
  • Christian & Mission Alliance Church
  • Christian Church/DOC
  • Christian Methodist Episcopal Church/CME
  • Christian Reformed/CRC Church
  • Church of God in Christ
  • Church of God/Anderson
  • Church of God/Cleveland
  • CMA Church
  • CME Church
  • COC Church
  • COG-ANN Church
  • COG-TENN Church
  • COGIC Church
  • Congregational Church
  • CRC Church
  • DOC Church
  • EFC Church
  • ELCA Church
  • Episcopal Church
  • Evangelical Free Church
  • FS Church
  • FWB Church
  • ICCC Church
  • Inter Denominational Church
  • JF Church
  • Lutheran Church
  • Lutheran/ELCA Church
  • Lutheran/LCMS Church
  • Mennonite Church
  • Methodist Church
  • Nazarene Church
  • Non Denominational Church
  • Orthodox Church
  • Other
  • Pentecostal Church
  • Presbyterian Church
  • RCA Church
  • SA Church
  • SBC Church
  • UCC Church
  • UCCan Church
  • United Methodist Church
  • Uniting Church
  • WELS Church
  • Wesleyan Church



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St. Paul’s is recognized as the first church established in Sacramento, California. In 1849 the Gold Rush brough hundreds of fortune seekers then thousands into town and up to the Mother Lode. Yes, the saloons and merchants established their businesses to profit from the trade first but town citizens quickly recognized the need and desirabily to address spiritual matters. The Vicar of Trinity Church, San Francisco (the first Episcopal Church west of St. Louis) was called to conduct the first formal service August 16, 1849. The congregation met in a blacksmith’s shop. St. Paul’s first church building was of wood near the river. Floods and other forces made the congregation realize they needed a more permanent establishment on higher grown. The town’s grid of lettered and numbered streets was laid out, statehood was achieved, the new state capital was built at 12th and L, the governor’s mansion was constructed at 16th and H, and St. Paul’s cornerstone was laid in 1903 midway at 15th and J. Five years later construction was completed – solid granite stone this time. The stained glass windows were huge then and even today. They are world class: above the altar the Christ surrounded by the Apostiles, to the west St. Cecilia the patron saint of musicians, and to the east the Stanford Memorial Window, a mother’s gift upon the loss of the Stanford’s only son Leland Jr. These last two are in the style of Louis Comfort Tiffany.
To this day St. Paul’s remains a center of the Historic Faith. Once on the edge of town now right in the center of Sacramento. We proclaim the Good News of God in Jesus Christ. We are an open, loving Christian community striving to fulfill our mission through worship, education, and service. Visit, worship, and proclaim the Good News! For a photograph or two and additional information please visit our new website www.4stpaulssacramento.org.



St. Paul’s is recognized as the first church established in Sacramento, California. In 1849 the Gold Rush brough hundreds of fortune seekers then thousands into town and up to the Mother Lode. Yes, the saloons and merchants established their businesses to profit from the trade first but town citizens quickly recognized the need and desirabily to address spiritual matters. The Vicar of Trinity Church, San Francisco (the first Episcopal Church west of St. Louis) was called to conduct the first formal service August 16, 1849. The congregation met in a blacksmith’s shop. St. Paul’s first church building was of wood near the river. Floods and other forces made the congregation realize they needed a more permanent establishment on higher grown. The town’s grid of lettered and numbered streets was laid out, statehood was achieved, the new state capital was built at 12th and L, the governor’s mansion was constructed at 16th and H, and St. Paul’s cornerstone was laid in 1903 midway at 15th and J. Five years later construction was completed – solid granite stone this time. The stained glass windows were huge then and even today. They are world class: above the altar the Christ surrounded by the Apostiles, to the west St. Cecilia the patron saint of musicians, and to the east the Stanford Memorial Window, a mother’s gift upon the loss of the Stanford’s only son Leland Jr. These last two are in the style of Louis Comfort Tiffany.
To this day St. Paul’s remains a center of the Historic Faith. Once on the edge of town now right in the center of Sacramento. We proclaim the Good News of God in Jesus Christ. We are an open, loving Christian community striving to fulfill our mission through worship, education, and service. Visit, worship, and proclaim the Good News! For a photograph or two and additional information please visit our new website www.4stpaulssacramento.org.

Since 1908 when the chuch at it’s present location opened its doors for services, St. Paul’s has been a center for the arts. The builings design is classic stone gothic, the windows are some of the best in the West, and the interior is suitable for concerts. St. Cecilia Guild, the Arts Steering Committee, administers a varied program of music to the glory of God outside of the traditional church service. Information and a schedule may be found by visiting http://arts.sacbee.com/112/.


Our Services & Events

The Holy Eucharist (Communion)
8:00 am, Sunday
Adult Christian Education
9:00 am, Sunday
Solemn High Eucharist
10:30 am, Sunday
Coffee Hour
12:00 Noon, Sunday
Mid-week Holy Communion
12:00 Noon,Wednesday
As announced/posted.


Our Staff

Jerry Lamb, Bishop of Northern California
Clergy: The Right Reverend ✤ Bishopjal@dncweb.org
Diana Leuckert, Priest in Charge
Interim Rector, The Reverend ✤ yogi33@attbi.com
Douglas Clay
Lay Ministers: Senior Warden ✤ dm3453@pacbell.net
Ingrid McCord
Junior Warden ✤ ingridmccord@attbi.com
Dennis M. Weber
Organist and Choirmaster ✤ dmw1944@aol.com
