Creation is Primary: Many churches tell of the wonderful work of redemption in Jesus Christ. But, many fail to set the matter of redemption, within the context of the creation. This distorts the message.
Human beings are made for God, for one another, and for eternity, and further to this … creation is their home. We are designed to relate to the whole of creation – birds, fish, cattle, and … all creeping things, and so on. When we do so we are enriched; when we fail to do so, we are diminished.
So then, what takes place in the life of Jesus, to deal with evil, to redeem humanity, and to restore and renew all creation, is essential, and is indeed the most wonderful good news. However, we must continue to see the significance of the cross of Christ for all things. This will help people make sense of their participation in life, and within the creation, in the gracious love of God, with a future. Redemption is magnificent. Creation is Primary!
The first Christians were ordinary people, with an extraordinary story to tell. They were – according to Jesus himself – to be ‘witnesses’ of what they had seen and heard (Luke 24:48). This included the life and personality of Jesus. It included his sufffering, and unjust execution and death, and the cosmic significance, or meaning of the death. It especially included their being witnesses to the extraordinary resurrection of the man Jesus – as a Man. For this task, they were equipped with the Spirit of God. This enabled them to speak effectively, and to be authentic ‘Witnesses of These Things’, telling their story in the face of all skepticism, ridicule and opposition.
A witness simply tells what they have seen and heard, with integrity – and of course lives accordingly with what they now know! See Luke 24
We at NWCC are also “Witnesses of These things”. Of course, “these things” were passed down to us by historical process. But “these things” are believed and known by faith, through the revealing action of God’s Spirit, in us.
We, at NWCC know God’s grace towards us in Jesus Christ. This is understood by meeting the once dead, now risen – Man!. This resurrection of Jesus is central to our lives; it is significant for the whole human race, because of the criminal’s cross where Jesus was crucified, for us all, according to God’s strange and yet wonderful plan. In particular, those who love their environment also need to know that the resurrection of Jesus is significant for the future of all of creation. See God’s plan, from Romans 8.
You will find us on Port Road: map
Our fellowship is one of varied ages, backgrounds, nationalities and interests – people who love the Lord, who worship the Father, and who would like to share the things of God with others in this world. As there are not that many churches in this part of the western suburbs of Adelaide, we seem to have a unique function in serving in this region! We trust that we can make a fruitful contribution, as we are guided by, and filled new with the Holy Spirit.
Distribution of the Church in Adelaide is a very thoughtful, prophetic article about where Christians live and participate within the city of Adelaide. Eric Love has some important things to say to us. Please consider!
At NWCC we are preparing to revamp a factory, next door to the old church building on Port Road, and hope to have it sweet and functional soon (the Port Adelaide-Enfield Council willing!).
We emphasis regularly, that the creation has a grand purpose. Contrary to the dooms-day approach, creation is ‘winding up’ not ‘winding down’. It is in fact almost impossible to speak of redemption, apart from creation. The first chapter of Genesis is primarily about the rhythm of creation, in which we are called to participate. We, human beings, are to be co-partners, together with God, in all that he is doing with creation. And there is a lot going on! The plant kingdom, animal kingdom and wealth of minerals – all have a most important part in the scheme of things. Join us, and be renewed in it all. Listening, your heart will be expanded, and – even with the human eye, you will be receiving some 500,000 messages per second – what a marvellous creature! And yet capable of such evil too. Creation and Redemption: What a theme!
Many are the themes within the Grand Theme!
Seen and Unseen Blogs from Trevor.
Hierophants help humanity.
Rev. Dr. Robert Iles was a colleague of mine. He died this year-2009. Some of his sermons remain online, and are worthy of reading. Here is one on purpose. Thanks dear Lord, for Robert.
THE BEREAN CHURCH: The night service at Queenstown, is primarily an aboriginal group, who’s name is taken from Acts 17:11 “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Many of the Jews believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men”.
The World Clock And, for a change of thought… check this out… it shows some global statistics, rapidly changing as we read. Certainly boggles your mind!
Today’s Quote
Everything has been figured out, except how to live.
Jean-Paul Sartre
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ThinkExist.com Quotes
Creation is Primary: Many churches tell of the wonderful work of redemption in Jesus Christ. But, many fail to set the matter of redemption, within the context of the creation. This distorts the message.
Human beings are made for God, for one another, and for eternity, and further to this … creation is their home. We are designed to relate to the whole of creation – birds, fish, cattle, and … all creeping things, and so on. When we do so we are enriched; when we fail to do so, we are diminished.
So then, what takes place in the life of Jesus, to deal with evil, to redeem humanity, and to restore and renew all creation, is essential, and is indeed the most wonderful good news. However, we must continue to see the significance of the cross of Christ for all things. This will help people make sense of their participation in life, and within the creation, in the gracious love of God, with a future. Redemption is magnificent. Creation is Primary!
The first Christians were ordinary people, with an extraordinary story to tell. They were – according to Jesus himself – to be ‘witnesses’ of what they had seen and heard (Luke 24:48). This included the life and personality of Jesus. It included his sufffering, and unjust execution and death, and the cosmic significance, or meaning of the death. It especially included their being witnesses to the extraordinary resurrection of the man Jesus – as a Man. For this task, they were equipped with the Spirit of God. This enabled them to speak effectively, and to be authentic ‘Witnesses of These Things’, telling their story in the face of all skepticism, ridicule and opposition.
A witness simply tells what they have seen and heard, with integrity – and of course lives accordingly with what they now know! See Luke 24
We at NWCC are also “Witnesses of These things”. Of course, “these things” were passed down to us by historical process. But “these things” are believed and known by faith, through the revealing action of God’s Spirit, in us.
We, at NWCC know God’s grace towards us in Jesus Christ. This is understood by meeting the once dead, now risen – Man!. This resurrection of Jesus is central to our lives; it is significant for the whole human race, because of the criminal’s cross where Jesus was crucified, for us all, according to God’s strange and yet wonderful plan. In particular, those who love their environment also need to know that the resurrection of Jesus is significant for the future of all of creation. See God’s plan, from Romans 8.
You will find us on Port Road: map
Our fellowship is one of varied ages, backgrounds, nationalities and interests – people who love the Lord, who worship the Father, and who would like to share the things of God with others in this world. As there are not that many churches in this part of the western suburbs of Adelaide, we seem to have a unique function in serving in this region! We trust that we can make a fruitful contribution, as we are guided by, and filled new with the Holy Spirit.
Distribution of the Church in Adelaide is a very thoughtful, prophetic article about where Christians live and participate within the city of Adelaide. Eric Love has some important things to say to us. Please consider!
At NWCC we are preparing to revamp a factory, next door to the old church building on Port Road, and hope to have it sweet and functional soon (the Port Adelaide-Enfield Council willing!).
We emphasis regularly, that the creation has a grand purpose. Contrary to the dooms-day approach, creation is ‘winding up’ not ‘winding down’. It is in fact almost impossible to speak of redemption, apart from creation. The first chapter of Genesis is primarily about the rhythm of creation, in which we are called to participate. We, human beings, are to be co-partners, together with God, in all that he is doing with creation. And there is a lot going on! The plant kingdom, animal kingdom and wealth of minerals – all have a most important part in the scheme of things. Join us, and be renewed in it all. Listening, your heart will be expanded, and – even with the human eye, you will be receiving some 500,000 messages per second – what a marvellous creature! And yet capable of such evil too. Creation and Redemption: What a theme!
Many are the themes within the Grand Theme!
Seen and Unseen Blogs from Trevor.
Hierophants help humanity.
Rev. Dr. Robert Iles was a colleague of mine. He died this year-2009. Some of his sermons remain online, and are worthy of reading. Here is one on purpose. Thanks dear Lord, for Robert.
THE BEREAN CHURCH: The night service at Queenstown, is primarily an aboriginal group, who’s name is taken from Acts 17:11 “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Many of the Jews believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men”.
The World Clock And, for a change of thought… check this out… it shows some global statistics, rapidly changing as we read. Certainly boggles your mind!
Today’s Quote
Everything has been figured out, except how to live.
Jean-Paul Sartre
#saf_paragraph {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:arial; font-size:9.5pt; line-height:100%; margin-top:19px; margin-bottom:0px; padding:0px; }#saf_toptitle {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:7.5pt; line-height:120%; color:#996600; }#saf_date {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:arial; font-size:7.5pt; line-height:120%; color:#996600; }#saf_daterev {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:arial; font-size:7.5pt; line-height:120%; color:#D9CA9D; }#saf_maintext {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:7.5pt; line-height:120%; color:#993300; }#saf_bibletext {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:7.5pt; line-height:120%; color:#BB8800; }#saf_eventtext {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:7.5pt; line-height:120%; font-weight:normal; }#saf_eventtext2 {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:arial; font-size:6.5pt; line-height:120%; font-weight:normal; }#saf_titletext {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:9.5pt; line-height:120%; color:black; }#saf_titletext2 {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:9px; line-height:120%; color:black; }#saf_subtitle {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:7.5pt; line-height:120%; color:black; }#saf_count {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:6.5pt; }#saf_info {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; line-height:130%; color:#676767; }#saf_inforev {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; line-height:130%; color:#DEDEDE; }#saf_footer1rev {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:arial; font-size:6.5pt; line-height:130%; color:#D9CA9D; }#saf_footer2rev {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:6.5pt; line-height:130%; color:white; font-weight:bold; }#saf_footer1 {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:arial; font-size:6.5pt; line-height:130%; color:#996600; }#saf_footer2 {letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:6.5pt; line-height:130%; color:#993300; font-weight:bold; }#saf_icon img {filter:alpha(opacity=50);opacity:0.5; }#saf_icon:hover img {filter:alpha(opacity=100);opacity:1.0; }#sermonlink {color:black;text-decoration:none; }#sermonlink:hover {color:#CD1212;text-decoration:none; }#sermonlink2 {color:black;text-decoration:none; }#sermonlink2:hover {color:#CD1212;text-decoration:underline; } Our Featured Sermon Theodicy 1:JustificationTrevor Faggotter | Teaching
ThinkExist.com Quotes
New Creation Teaching Ministry. Many in our congregation, have had a long and joyous association with this group. It is a valuable, inexpensive resource of studies, music, tapes for Pastors and teachers and leaders. It was founded by a small group of folk, who recognised the gifts of teaching given to the church, and former Principal of the Adelaide Bible college, Geoff Bingham has given much time and energy to the ministry of the Word. He is a prolific author, and theologian who keeps seeing life afresh. Good articles and short stories – including Christian Book of the year Awards, and the like. Look, and see!
Sparks of Revival is a great story you may enjoy reading. It is about an awakening – to life – in South Australia. Prominent in all this is the teaching and exposition of
Pateriology, together with
Christology and
The Father, not a
Metaphor{PDF -instant download}].
We believe it is essential to unfold the importance of
Creation if the gospel is to make sense. Creation has a goal set for it, namely the liberating glory of the renewed Creation. Understood aright, it is ‘winding up, not winding down!’
If you think we are off on Cloud 9, then check them out and see. Creation is amazing, hey?
Global Warming? Show us the Evidence! Interesting article from a rocket scientist, and former employee of the Australian Greenhouse Office.
Ixquick Metasearch
Finding God
is a short read, that may help some.
Lord of the Sabbath Need a genuine rest, in life?
Dream of sonship.
The Old Testament needs to be well translated. This is a service to the human race. It is a matter that should not be underestimated. (Praise God for good translators). The OT is the context for the arrival of Jesus in the fulness of time, and is very necessary to see the Messiah clothed with glory, and with his rightful place in history, according to God’s plan. Everything in the OT has its part in preparing for the birth of Jesus, in Bethlehem.
MP3 AUDIO: Studies by T. Faggotter Based on P.T. Forsyth and “Theodicy” [Thee-Odd-I-See]
Theologian – a friend studying Forysth: Jason Goroncy
This is an important article, for us to grasp:Rituals and the Enactment of the Gospel by Dr. John Kleinig
Bill Muehlenberg writes excellent articles on Ethics and Public Opinion, from a Christian perspective. See his site!
Interestingly, Christianity is dying in its birthplace
Invisible Children is a poignant video, by 3 American youth, who went to Uganda, to see what life was really like there. There home made movie, began a movement. Moving.
Secular Australia:The Place of Religion in Australia’s Secular Society (Tom Frame)
Guidance:What shall I do? this? Or that? Here are 4 authentic types of guidance.
Australian Christian Churches Directory
Judaism Some insights into the ‘Torah’ and related issues, may help us to better understand Christian faith.
Fred Craddock says some good things about preaching.
Christ’s Homelessness is a most insightful essay by Kosuke Koyama; it has much to say to us about getting to the heart of things.
Baxter Kruger, for life in the Trinity:| Perichoresis Australia|
Ten Myths about Church leavers
Puns are included in the things of God: (“To write with a broken pencil is pointless”).
The Bodily Resurrection well founded, and expounded, for those full of doubts about the truth of this …bodily matter.
AMERICA: John Piper writes many articles for Desiring God Ministries. | I like his writing style. It is a thoughtful, clear, and not to be dismissed, just because it is an American resource!
SUFFERING: Does God ‘allow’ suffering? Or is his way with humanity more profound than that word ‘allow’ allows for? See
A-Bomb on Nagasaki – and the story of Takashi Nagai, it helps us understand theodicy. Following the events of 9/11, many of us turned once again to P.T. Forsyth’s profound and essential treatment of Theodicy
HEREDITY: James Denney said: “Heredity fixes not our fate, but our trial”. It is helpful to note that, for example, while homosexuality my be influenced by our DNA make up, it is not in fact
‘David MacDonald’ is a gifted man well known in the community
SKEPTICS: Those who are highly critical of Christian faith, often employ a tactic well described as
‘outrageous reasoning’. It is worth a quick read – to be aware.
To quickly refer to a Bible, try:
Internet Bible |
Lectionary – RCL
Jesus Radicals is a site you may not find immediately agreeable, but it will certainly stimulate your theological thought!
Alpha Inventions
Moon Rise/Set – for Fishing!
Oh … and you’ll want the Tide times too.
Our Services & Events
Sunday Worship
10.00 a.m.
Home Groups (Sch. Terms)
Wednesday 7.30pm
Adelaide Berean Church
6.30 p.m. Sundays
Our Staff
Paul Chesterr
Mr. ✤ eightyplus8@hotmail.com
Ian Padget
Secretary/Elder ✤ snackpadget@bigpond.com
Colin Zanker
Elder ✤ cvez@adam.com.au