Our Mission Statement & Purpose:
Mission Statement: To introduce others to Jesus Christ through the Word, Our intimate worship and our genuine love.
Our Purpose: To facilitate a fresh move of God in our personal lives and within the church. To have passion for God and compassion for lost humanity. To not forget whence we came and to press forward to that which lies before us. To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. To share God’s love with all walks of life, race, color or creed. To be a well to thirsty travelers, a guidepost to the searching, and a refuse to the troubled and hurting. Most importantly of all, to honor Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and soon coming King. To God be the Glory!
Our Mission Statement & Purpose:
Mission Statement: To introduce others to Jesus Christ through the Word, Our intimate worship and our genuine love.
Our Purpose: To facilitate a fresh move of God in our personal lives and within the church. To have passion for God and compassion for lost humanity. To not forget whence we came and to press forward to that which lies before us. To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. To share God’s love with all walks of life, race, color or creed. To be a well to thirsty travelers, a guidepost to the searching, and a refuse to the troubled and hurting. Most importantly of all, to honor Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and soon coming King. To God be the Glory!
A Place Just For You!
We are a place for friendship, a place for learning, a place for enrichment, a place for service, and a place for worship.
Some of our activities and programs include: Supervised Nursery, Children’s Church, Children’s Choir, Youth Ministries, Senior’s Ministries, Music Ministries, Ladies Ministries, Men’s Fellowship, Singles Ministries, Jail Ministries, and Dance Team.Our doors are to all people of all backgrounds. Regardless of your need, we stand with open arms to assist you in finding answers to life’s problems. Come expecting a mighty move of God!
Our Services & Events
Sunday School
9:30 AM Sunday
Morning Service
10:30 AM Sunday
Revival Renewal Service
6:30 PM Sunday
Family Enrichment Service
7:00 PM Wednesday
Our Staff
Steve Livingston
Pastor ✤
John Cannon
Associate Pastor ✤
Shawna Greene
Youth Director ✤
Jessy & Becky Dukes
Children’s Church Directors ✤