Purpose & VisionOur Purpose is to glorify God and to be an instrument in the advancement of His Kingdom. We believe this will happen as we maintain a balanced ministry of corporate worship, mutual edification, and outreach.
Our Vision is to engage in creative ministry providing opportunity for everyone to encounter and experience the grace of God through Jesus Christ in Worship, Education, and Outreach; To be a growing community of believers passionately modeling the life of Christ through significant relationships and creative expressions of our faith.
Our Services & Events
Sunday School
9:30am Sunday
Worship & Children’s Church
10:30am Sunday
Evening Worship
6:30pm Sunday
AWANA Bible Clubs
6:00pm Wednesday
Midweek Programs for All Ages
6:30pm Wednesday
Adult Choir Rehearsal
7:30pm Sunday
Our Staff
Dr. Richard Sargent
Senior Pastor ✤ msbcwv@yahoo.com
Carmel Davis
Youth Director ✤ msbcwv@yahoo.com
Betty McDaniel
Secretary ✤ msbcwv@yahoo.com
Cam Delhoste
Deacon Chairman ?
David Cole
Deacon Vice-Chairman ?