OUR VISION AND MISSIONOur Vision was inclined to the vision of God, that is by bringing the gospel of salvation to the hearts of men. men has become the temple of God on earth. In effect men shall live righteously, godly and justly. That would unleash all blessings of God such as peaceful living and abundant life.
Our Mission is to preach and teach the word of God to all the people in the world. As a part of God’s universal church we will do everything that God has laid down to our shoulders, with our unifying and sacrificial efforts, using all the materials for the fulfillment of God’s purpose to the world by bringing every man to the knowledge of salvation in Christ, which would satisfy His desire and glorify his name.
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OUR VISION AND MISSIONOur Vision was inclined to the vision of God, that is by bringing the gospel of salvation to the hearts of men. men has become the temple of God on earth. In effect men shall live righteously, godly and justly. That would unleash all blessings of God such as peaceful living and abundant life.
Our Mission is to preach and teach the word of God to all the people in the world. As a part of God’s universal church we will do everything that God has laid down to our shoulders, with our unifying and sacrificial efforts, using all the materials for the fulfillment of God’s purpose to the world by bringing every man to the knowledge of salvation in Christ, which would satisfy His desire and glorify his name.
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OUR CHURCH STATEMENT1. We believe that God has given us a big task to fulfill such as to evangelize people not only to those living surrounding the church vicinity but even beyond far places.
2. We believe that children are important to God’s kingdom. It is also in our hearts as a church to reach out children through conducting Daily Vacation Bible School, feeding, giving gifts like clothes, food and school supplies.
3. We believe that church lot, church building and equipments are important to the ministry.
As a church we are doing our part to fulfill these things. We are praying that God would send somebody to become our partner in the ministry to make these project come true.
Our Services & Events
Worship Service
Prayer Meeting
Sunday School (All Levels)
Youth Fellowship
Women’s Fellowship
2pm/1st & 3rd Sunday
Bible Study
Our Staff
Benedicto Costa
Senior Pastor ✤ benny.costa@yahoo.com
Corazon Tanching
Associate Pastor ?
Bonnaella Costa
Associate Pastor ?
Ysmael Belen
Project Chairman ?
George de Guzman
Treasurer ?