Grace Evangelical Church Core Values1. Growing in the Lord : Always Growing
2. Respectful Believers : Manifests Humility
3. Active in the Ministry : Finds ways to Minister
4. Committed Christians : Sincerely Dedicated
5. Exalts God : Worshiper and Lover of God
6. Soul Winner : Reaching Others to Christ
Grace Evangelical Church Core Values1. Growing in the Lord : Always Growing
2. Respectful Believers : Manifests Humility
3. Active in the Ministry : Finds ways to Minister
4. Committed Christians : Sincerely Dedicated
5. Exalts God : Worshiper and Lover of God
6. Soul Winner : Reaching Others to Christ
Our Services & Events
Group Devotional Classes
9:00am / Sunday
Worship Service
10:00am / Sunday
Youth Cell Group
6:00pm / Wednesday
Prayer Gathering
7:30pm / Wednesday
Pastoral Care & Visitation
Church Leadership Training
Our Staff
Rev. Rowel Abanto
Head Minister ✤
Ptr. Efren Pineda
Associate Minister ✤
Bro. Reden Dein
Chairman ✤
Bro. Boyet Tan
Elder ✤
Dra. Catalina Locsin
Deaconese ✤