Ministry for physically handicaped personwe need help to our social activities.WE share food and clooth to the poor in our church.In our church we have department which takes care of the blind men and the prostitute.We have many person with aids,hiv virus.We try to have a social politic for those person,so we invite the human organisations,the charities organosation to help us.
And God bless you.
Ministry for physically handicaped person
we need help to our social activities.WE share food and clooth to the poor in our church.In our church we have department which takes care of the blind men and the prostitute.We have many person with aids,hiv virus.We try to have a social politic for those person,so we invite the human organisations,the charities organosation to help us. And God bless you.
materials for the ministry
For our cruisade we need a car(a mini-bus) ,a video projector,music materials.We need help in medicament for the person with aids,hiv virus,for the blind person. God bless you.
Our Services & Events
sun at8:00
friday 18:00
service for handicaped person
sunday 16:00
Our Staff
gnahore vincent depaul
pastor’staff ✤
clah nadine
women department ✤
seu roger
delivrance ✤
zadi Mariette
evangelisation ✤
sokouri fran?ois
familly department ✤