Our mission is to further the kingdom of God by raising a band of enthusiastic heavenly minded worshippers who will be ensigns of righteousness, love and joy of God all over the world. As believers in the unity of the Body of Christ, we pursue unity in purity. We believe that the church must be united in basic doctrines of salvation in the name of Jesus and in the preaching of the gospel of righteousness. We are relentless in our commiment to the four cardinal mandate of the Foursquare Gospel Church. Jesus the Saviour, Jesus the Baptiser with the Holy Ghost, Jesus the Healer and Jesus, the Soon Coming King.
Our mission is to further the kingdom of God by raising a band of enthusiastic heavenly minded worshippers who will be ensigns of righteousness, love and joy of God all over the world. As believers in the unity of the Body of Christ, we pursue unity in purity. We believe that the church must be united in basic doctrines of salvation in the name of Jesus and in the preaching of the gospel of righteousness. We are relentless in our commiment to the four cardinal mandate of the Foursquare Gospel Church. Jesus the Saviour, Jesus the Baptiser with the Holy Ghost, Jesus the Healer and Jesus, the Soon Coming King.
We believe that “all have sinned and have fallen short of Gods glory.” We believe that as a result of the sin of Adam, everyone born into this world is irredeemably lost. We believe there is no short cut to saving mans soul. We believe that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Son of God Who came in the flesh, was crucified and died on the cross to save mankind from the power of sin and death. We believe that Jesus is the only name by Whom man can be saved from sin. We believe that Jesus is the One Who baptises with us the Holy Spirit and with Fire, for purpose of manifesting Gods glory in righteousness. We believe that Jesus is the Mighty Healer of every form of sickness and disease. We believe that whoever calls upon Jesus will be saved from the power of sin. We believe that Jesus is the soon coming King. We believe that He is returning, and very soon, to judge this world. THIS IS THE REASON WE MUST CONTINUE PREACHING THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM!!!
Our Services & Events
Worship Service
Sunday 8.00am
Sunday School
Sunday 10.00am
Gospel Night
Sunday 5.00pm
Refreshing Dew
Monday 6.00am
Digging into the Scriptures
Tuesday 5.30pm
Holy Ghost Hour
Friday 5.30pm
Our Staff
Donald Odeleye
Rev Dr ✤
Oluwatoyin Odeleye
Pastor ✤
Sunday Adeleke
Deacon ?
Elliot Akinsipe
Elder ?
Michael Oyedeji
Pastor ?