OUR NATURE & BELIEFS:We are the visible, founding congregation of the Faith Covenant Community Church of America,a budding national church, based on Florida’s Suncoast. As evangelicals, we welcome anyone who makes a commitment to Christ into our fellowship. We affirm the Bible as God’s Word and the only perfect guide for faith, doctrine and conduct. We practice the reality of a community of believers, bound together by faith in Christ and a covenant commitment to share His redeeming love in the power of the Holy Spirit. We worship in a style that is informal and contemporary, while retaining many key elements of Christian tradition; ie. The Lord’s Prayer and the Apostle’s Creed. We observe water baptism and practice open communion, as ordained by Christ. You will discover a warm family of Christian friends and hear a clear and life-applicable presentation of the Gospel in our midst.
We are the visible, founding congregation of the Faith Covenant Community Church of America,a budding national church, based on Florida’s Suncoast. As evangelicals, we welcome anyone who makes a commitment to Christ into our fellowship. We affirm the Bible as God’s Word and the only perfect guide for faith, doctrine and conduct. We practice the reality of a community of believers, bound together by faith in Christ and a covenant commitment to share His redeeming love in the power of the Holy Spirit. We worship in a style that is informal and contemporary, while retaining many key elements of Christian tradition; ie. The Lord’s Prayer and the Apostle’s Creed. We observe water baptism and practice open communion, as ordained by Christ. You will discover a warm family of Christian friends and hear a clear and life-applicable presentation of the Gospel in our midst.
It is our purpose to bring people to Jesus and membership in His family, develop them to Christ-like maturity, and equip them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify Christ’s Name. We envision growth beyond the local congregation and are striving to become a national ministry network of sponsored and affiliated church parishes, covenant care-centers, and missions ministries, to proclaim Christ’s love to our hurting, sin-sick world.
National Leadership:
Bishop – Dr. Stephen A. Johnson
V-P, Treasurer & Nat. Presbyter – Dr. Wayne L. Williams
General Secretary – Dr. Jon Marshall
South East District Presbyter – The Reverend Donald L. Cadenhead
Faith Covenant Theological Seminary:
FCTS is the educational division of our church. It is governed by the church’s Trustees and is authorized by the State of Florida Board of Independent Colleges and Universities. FCTS offers residential and external programs, ranging from the Certificate level through the Doctorate in Pastoral Counseling, Theology, Biblical Studies and Christian Ministry and is a Certified Academic Institute of the the National Christian Counselors Association, headed by Dr. Richard Arno.
International Outreach:
Each Tuesday morning at 8:00 A.M. (Eastern Time), our worldwide, shortwave radio program, “The King Is Coming”, airs to more than 8 million listeners over WWCR at 15.685 mHz.
Our Pastor – Dr. Steve Johnson:
Dr. Johnson is a native Floridian with 29 years of ministry experience. He holds five earned degrees, including a M.Div. from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; a Th.D. from North Florida Baptist Theological Seminary; and a Ph.D. in Psychological Counseling from England’s Sussex College. He has preached in over 200 churches in thirty states and overseas. His messages are life-applicable and powerfully anointed. In addition to his pastoral role, Dr. Johnson is the Bishop of our national church organization and serves as Chancellor of Faith Covenant Theological Seminary.
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Our Services & Events
Worship Service
10:00 AM/Sundays
Children’s Sunday School
10:15 AM/Sundays
Adult Bible Study
1:00 PM/Mondays
Ladies Bible Study
7:00 PM/Tuesdays
Faith Covenant Theol. Seminary
10 AM & 7 PM Tu,Thu
Mission Radio – WWCR 15.685mHz
8:00 AM/Tuesdays
Our Staff
Dr. Stephen A. Johnson
Pastor ✤ SAJBISHOP@aol.com
Mrs. Judith Young
Music Ministry Coordinator ✤
Ms. Monica Carr
Children’s Ministry Coordinator ✤