Ministry of the ChurchThe primary outreach ministry of our church is to alchoholics and
drug addicts through an eight month in residential treatment program
which is staffed and supported by the church body.
Ministry of the Church
The primary outreach ministry of our church is to alchoholics and drug addicts through an eight month in residential treatment program which is staffed and supported by the church body.
Dunklin Memorial Church meets on the grounds of Dunklin Memorial Camp which is located between Stuart and Okeechobee on State Road 714 (Martin Grade).
Our Services & Events
David Garton
Lou Carey
Sunday School
9:30 am Sunday
Worship Service
11:00 am Sunday
Contemplative Prayer Meeting
7:00 pm Wednesday
Cowboys for Christ Fellowship
7:00 pm Thursday
Our Staff
Jesus Christ
Senior Pastor ✤
Mickey Evans
Associate Pastor ✤
Bob Crowe
Associate Pastor ✤
Curt Taylor
Associate Pastor ✤
Rich Boggs
Elder ✤