HIS GREAT COMMISSION IS OUR MISION Our God given vision is to:
See the vast hispanic population of Sonoma County come to a personal
relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Edify their lives in the knowledge of the Word of God through solid
biblical truths.
Equip them with the necessary tools to be the best they can be as
witnesses for Christ.
Multiply the Body of Christ through evangelism, personal discipleship.
Send workers to start new churches in the community.
Determined in Him,
Carlos L. Zapata, Pastor
HIS GREAT COMMISSION IS OUR MISION Our God given vision is to:
See the vast hispanic population of Sonoma County come to a personal
relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Edify their lives in the knowledge of the Word of God through solid
biblical truths.
Equip them with the necessary tools to be the best they can be as
witnesses for Christ.
Multiply the Body of Christ through evangelism, personal discipleship.
Send workers to start new churches in the community.
Determined in Him,
Carlos L. Zapata, Pastor
Our Services & Events
Praise & Worship Service
10:30 a.m. Sunday
Sunday School
9:00 a.m. Sunday
Evening Service
6:00 p.m. Sunday
Children’s Sunday School
5:30 p.m. Sunday
Evangelistic Service
7:00 p.m. Friday
Youth Group & Singles
6:00 p.m. Saturday
Our Staff
Carlos Zapata
Senior Pastor ✤ czapata@pacbell.net
Rub?n Reyes
Associated Pastor ✤ czapata@pacbell.net
Jos? Cabrera
Sunday School Teacher ✤ czapata@pacbell.net
Enriqueta Cruz
Children Ministries ✤ czapata@pacbell.net
Mariella Zapata
Activities Coordinator ✤ czapata@pacbell.net