The church of Christ welcomes you to worship the Lord with us. We are here to serve the Lord and to help you in your walk with the Lord. Services are conducted in English but translation can be made possible for greek speaking brothers and sisters. The church building is located at center of Iraklio. At the back of Atlantis hotel. We offer free Bible correspondence course and free English profficiency through World English Institute (WEI). Contact us for more information or follow the link below. http//
The church of Christ welcomes you to worship the Lord with us. We are here to serve the Lord and to help you in your walk with the Lord. Services are conducted in English but translation can be made possible for greek speaking brothers and sisters. The church building is located at center of Iraklio. At the back of Atlantis hotel. We offer free Bible correspondence course and free English profficiency through World English Institute (WEI). Contact us for more information or follow the link below. http//
“Our Lord God Almighty is wonderful for He is indeed an Awesome God. Heaven and Earth cannot contain Him for He is greater than all that we see and know to be. His Majesty is glorious and His power is without measure. Our heavenly Father is holy and His love is everlasting. His wisdom surpasses all human comprehension. Heaven and Earth continuously sing His praises for He is worthy.
There is no one else like the Lord for He is indeed King of kings and Lord of lords. Men will search for peace in a time of turmoil, but they will only find it if they seek the Prince of Peace. True peace only comes from our Lord God Almighty and His peace surpasses all understanding. Seek the Lord with all of your heart and know that He is within your reach. God is for you and He will not forsake you even when you are suffering through trials and tribulations. Fear not for the Lord is with you and He is worthy of your praise.
God became one of us through Jesus, and through his blood we have become worthy of God for He has washed our sins away. Our heavenly Father has redeemed us through the Lamb. We have been sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit of our Lord God Almighty. Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone has intricately placed each of us in a wonderful and holy temple that serves as a dwelling place of God in the Holy Spirit. Our Holy Father is worthy of your time and service in the vineyard of the Lord.
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and know that He will act. Always know that you are not alone for the Angels of the Lord minister to those who are to obtain salvation. The Lord loves you and He is with you. Who can stand against the Lord of Hosts? No one could and no one ever will. Take heart in knowing that the Great I Am is He who stands in your favor. Praise our Lord God Almighty for He is worthy.”
Silbano Garcia, II.
Our Services & Events
Sunday Worship Service
12:30 pm
Wednesday Bible Study
8:00 pm
Saturday Prayer Meeting
8:00 pm
Our Staff
John Adesoye
Minister ✤ Preacher ✤
Titilayo Ojeaga
Noet Care Orphanage Ministry ?
Debo Ajagunna
Christian Education ministry ?
Imelda Cultong
Secretary ?