“They that sow with tears, shall reap with joy”
There is a great meaning in the above scripture.It applies to spiritual and physical things.The Church has an obligation towards the society in all things.We have been proclaiming the Word in this area since about 20 years.Besides Evangelism,the Church is also convening Social Welfare Activities like Flood Relief,Famine Help etc. in the congregations at Narasaraopet and it’s surrounding area.This year the State of Andhra Pradesh has been facing Famine as there was no rain fall since about one and half year and the people below the poverty line are facing hardship for their daily bread.There are no works and no food.Many people are leaving to other places in search of work and food.Since about three months,we are distributing Famine help in the congregations with the help of Kind people in and abroad.We are grateful to everyone who are joining their kind hands with us in helping the congregations for the cause of Christ.We believe the scriptures “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,And He will pay back what he has given”[Pro.19:17]. Praise to Lord.
“They that sow with tears, shall reap with joy”
There is a great meaning in the above scripture.It applies to spiritual and physical things.The Church has an obligation towards the society in all things.We have been proclaiming the Word in this area since about 20 years.Besides Evangelism,the Church is also convening Social Welfare Activities like Flood Relief,Famine Help etc. in the congregations at Narasaraopet and it’s surrounding area.This year the State of Andhra Pradesh has been facing Famine as there was no rain fall since about one and half year and the people below the poverty line are facing hardship for their daily bread.There are no works and no food.Many people are leaving to other places in search of work and food.Since about three months,we are distributing Famine help in the congregations with the help of Kind people in and abroad.We are grateful to everyone who are joining their kind hands with us in helping the congregations for the cause of Christ.We believe the scriptures “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,And He will pay back what he has given”[Pro.19:17]. Praise to Lord.
” Christ is the only way of Salvation”
We believe the Teachings of Bible only and they are our Bye-Laws and Guidelines for going ahead in achieving the Goal.The Apostles preached the Christ and His Way of Salvation.Christ is not divided [I Cor.1:10].We are all One in Christ[1Cor.10:17].Christ also said “Love thy neighbour as thy self”[Math.22:39].It shows one’s duty towards other.The Church therefore works for the welfare of the needy.In India, there are many people who are very poor and living in miserable conditions. They need Education,Health, Social and Economical development.The Government is doing it’s level best for their Welfare.As the fellomen and obedient children of God,we have to do something for the needy.We welcome in Christ all the Individuals,Philonthropists,Voluntary organisations in and abroad to come and share this Evangelical and Charitable Ministry in India. The Grace of the Lord be with us all.
Our Services & Events
Sunday School for Children
9-30 A.M. Sunday
Sunday Worship
11-30 A.M. Sunday
Genaral Bible Study
7-00 P.M. Wednesday
Women Meet
7-00 P.M. Friday
Our Staff
Bontha Albert Prakasa Rao
Evangelist & Elder ✤
Bontha Jayakar Benjamin
Evangelist & Administrative Secretary ✤ gtr_bjbcoc@sancharnet.in.
Dhulipalla Abraham Lincoln
Ministry Associate ✤
Sis. Bontha Vijaya Lakshmi
In-Charge of Women & Sunday School ✤ bdvlakshmicoc@yahoo.com