Welcome to Campbell Chapel!
Campbell Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is an active, growing congregation situated on Indianapolis’ Westside. Organized in 1901, this church has a rich history and a long legacy of community service. From after-school tutorial assistance to computer training classes, this church seeks to equip people with the information, training and resources they need to become all that God intended. You are invited to come grow with us, as we seek to become a “House of Prayer…People who Care.”
Welcome to Campbell Chapel!Campbell Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is an active, growing congregation situated on Indianapolis’ Westside. Organized in 1901, this church has a rich history and a long legacy of community service. From after-school tutorial assistance to computer training classes, this church seeks to equip people with the information, training and resources they need to become all that God intended. You are invited to come grow with us, as we seek to become a “House of Prayer…People who Care.”
Opportunities for Involvement!It is our fervent prayer that among us you will find the love, nuture and service opportunities you need. As you join us in this exciting journey with Jesus, please consider participating in any of the activities suggested below. If your interest is not listed below, please contact the pastor.
Service Opportunities
– Operation: Homefront Warriors (in response to Iraq War)
– Homeownership Training and Counseling
– Childcare Services
– Campbell’s Kitchen (food pantry and feeding program)
– Dialogue on Racial Reconciliation
– Girls Dance Team/Boys Step Team
– Martial Arts Class/Women’s Self-Defense Class
Our Services & Events
Church School
Sundays 10 am
Morning Worship
Sundays 11 am
Prayer Meeting
Wednesdays 6 pm
Bible Study
Wednesdays 7 pm
Evangelism Service
3rd Sundays 4 pm
Healing & Deliverance Services
2nd, 4th Fridays 7 p
Our Staff
Rev. George N. Bolden, Jr.
Pastor ✤ campbellamezion@sbcglobal.net
Sis. Hermetha C. Thompson
Associate Minister ✤ campbellamezion@sbcglobal.net
Rev. Dr. Henry C. Tutt
Presiding Elder ✤
Bishop Warren M. Brown
Associate Bishop ✤
Bishop Enoch B. Rochester
Presiding Prelate ✤