Back to regular schedule
We are returning back to regular scheduled services this Sunday July 5th.?We ask that you continue to follow social distancing guidelines as best you can.?This is a critical time so please be diligent about not touching your face and washing your hands frequently.?
If you want to wear a mask it is encouraged.
Back to regular schedule
We are returning back to regular scheduled services this Sunday July 5th.?We ask that you continue to follow social distancing guidelines as best you can.?This is a critical time so please be diligent about not touching your face and washing your hands frequently.?
If you want to wear a mask it is encouraged.
Our Services & Events
Sunday School
10:00 AM
Sunday AM Worship/Preaching
11:00 AM
SundayPM Worship/Preaching
6:00 PM
Wednesday Bible Study
7:00 PM
Imagine Youth/Wednesday
7:00 PM
Inspire Luncheon
3rd Tuesday 12 noon
Our Staff
Cliff Bowman
Pastor ✤
Barry Dillow
Associate Pastor ✤
Mitch Looney
Youth Pastor ✤