Letter from Bro. Roy Knight”First I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world “.
(Romans 1:8)
Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST.
Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May I introduce myself: I am R.D.J. Roy Knight, preacher in India (Tamil Nadu villages), full-time Gospel preacher.Our office and residence are in Chennai, our mission is the working for the body of Christ, to reach the unreached and to save the lost ones with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Mission formed a society, called Arise Shine Church of Christ Mission. (“Arise, shine; for they light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee”. Isaiah, 60:1). We are the body of Christ, the Church works for the will of God..
I thank our father who is in heaven, who has inspired me to write down the gospel-work
which I am doing In India. The Lord has called me to serve him in villages to Tamil Nadu
(the heathen people). It is a well known fact that my country India is full of idols and she
promotes idol worship, blood sacrifice and all sorts of wicked activities. India is getting
drowned in the ocean of wickedness, which sins against God. Like scripture tells us in Romans chapter 1; 21 to 32. But God wants to save her from destruction. In this fury God has taken decision to wipe out the land of idol worship.
For this great commission of Jesus Christ, he needs you and me to work for His kingdom:
Isaiah chapter 40, I Peter 2 :24. We are the body of Christ. The son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost: Luke 19:10. Over one sinner who repents and is saved, there is a great joy in heaven: Luke 15:7. My dear brothers and sisters, the body of Christ, may the Lord from heaven open our hearts to fulfill his great commission in India! Jesus Christ needs us all to stand before him and say: Here I am, o Lord, I offer my whole person to you and I stand before you, please use me to save the lost. Therefore I am determined to share the burden of our Church of Christ ministry in India through Arise Shine church of Christ Mission.
1. Gospel preaching, evangelism, 2. Churches Of Christ congregation development, 3. Bible Training Center, 4. Youth Ministry, 5. Village Ministry, 6. Women’s Bible class, 7. Video Ministry, 8, Silent Angels Charitable Trust.-Social welfare work,- . Orphan’s home. ,Street Children’s-. Children Ministry, Helping poor needy with Medical, Cloths, Food.
Matthew 9:37: Then he said to his disciples: “The harvest truly is plentyful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.
I am looking forward in prayer and faith that the Lord will make you to share his burden and to take part in his ministry in India! I pray that you dear brothers and sisters come forward with prayer and strong determination to fulfill God’s will. We have the bread of heaven with us, how has it come into our hearts? It has come into our hearts because of Jesus Christ gave himself a living sacrifice on the cross! We have the light in our hearts today. Now let the light shine forth to reach the Lost at any cost!
Thankyou for spending time to read this letter regarding the gospel work through our mission. I pray unto the Lord, GOD bless you abundantly, you and your family members and church members, you brothers and sisters in CHRIST and your work for the Lord’s kingdom. Please pray for the Lord’s work through our mission, pray for me and my family, the orphan children, the preachers’ families and my travel back to India to serve the Lord. May the Lord use us to provide all his needs. God should be glorified in all the ministry. We welcome you to work with us, visit us, join with us.
Once again greetings to you all from Arise Shine Church of Christ Mission, believers, preachers, gospel proclaiming team, orphan children, bible students and Sunday school children, social workers and from me and my family members. This letter comes unto you with lots of love and great hope in Christ, looking forward to your precious reply, Yours beloved brother in CHRIST
R.D.J. Roy Knight, servant in Christ
Letter from Bro. Roy Knight”First I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world “.
(Romans 1:8)
Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST.
Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May I introduce myself: I am R.D.J. Roy Knight, preacher in India (Tamil Nadu villages), full-time Gospel preacher.Our office and residence are in Chennai, our mission is the working for the body of Christ, to reach the unreached and to save the lost ones with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Mission formed a society, called Arise Shine Church of Christ Mission. (“Arise, shine; for they light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee”. Isaiah, 60:1). We are the body of Christ, the Church works for the will of God..
I thank our father who is in heaven, who has inspired me to write down the gospel-work
which I am doing In India. The Lord has called me to serve him in villages to Tamil Nadu
(the heathen people). It is a well known fact that my country India is full of idols and she
promotes idol worship, blood sacrifice and all sorts of wicked activities. India is getting
drowned in the ocean of wickedness, which sins against God. Like scripture tells us in Romans chapter 1; 21 to 32. But God wants to save her from destruction. In this fury God has taken decision to wipe out the land of idol worship.
For this great commission of Jesus Christ, he needs you and me to work for His kingdom:
Isaiah chapter 40, I Peter 2 :24. We are the body of Christ. The son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost: Luke 19:10. Over one sinner who repents and is saved, there is a great joy in heaven: Luke 15:7. My dear brothers and sisters, the body of Christ, may the Lord from heaven open our hearts to fulfill his great commission in India! Jesus Christ needs us all to stand before him and say: Here I am, o Lord, I offer my whole person to you and I stand before you, please use me to save the lost. Therefore I am determined to share the burden of our Church of Christ ministry in India through Arise Shine church of Christ Mission.
1. Gospel preaching, evangelism, 2. Churches Of Christ congregation development, 3. Bible Training Center, 4. Youth Ministry, 5. Village Ministry, 6. Women’s Bible class, 7. Video Ministry, 8, Silent Angels Charitable Trust.-Social welfare work,- . Orphan’s home. ,Street Children’s-. Children Ministry, Helping poor needy with Medical, Cloths, Food.
Matthew 9:37: Then he said to his disciples: “The harvest truly is plentyful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.
I am looking forward in prayer and faith that the Lord will make you to share his burden and to take part in his ministry in India! I pray that you dear brothers and sisters come forward with prayer and strong determination to fulfill God’s will. We have the bread of heaven with us, how has it come into our hearts? It has come into our hearts because of Jesus Christ gave himself a living sacrifice on the cross! We have the light in our hearts today. Now let the light shine forth to reach the Lost at any cost!
Thankyou for spending time to read this letter regarding the gospel work through our mission. I pray unto the Lord, GOD bless you abundantly, you and your family members and church members, you brothers and sisters in CHRIST and your work for the Lord’s kingdom. Please pray for the Lord’s work through our mission, pray for me and my family, the orphan children, the preachers’ families and my travel back to India to serve the Lord. May the Lord use us to provide all his needs. God should be glorified in all the ministry. We welcome you to work with us, visit us, join with us.
Once again greetings to you all from Arise Shine Church of Christ Mission, believers, preachers, gospel proclaiming team, orphan children, bible students and Sunday school children, social workers and from me and my family members. This letter comes unto you with lots of love and great hope in Christ, looking forward to your precious reply, Yours beloved brother in CHRIST
R.D.J. Roy Knight, servant in Christ
from the preacher & missionary
R.D.J. Roy Knight
Our Organization Office address:
Arise Shine Church of Chirst Mission
14/1 Police Manickam Str., Ayanavaram,
CHENNAI, 600023, Tamil Nadu,
South India – India
Telefax: 91 44 6442604
Website: www.indiachurchofchrist.com
Our Services & Events
Worship at Assis Nager
8 Am sunday
Worship at Chennai
6 pm sunday
Bible study at Chennai
wednessday /6pm
Bible Study at Assisnager
friday/6 pm
Bible study at Ponneri,
Tuesday /6pm
Our Staff
Roy Knight
R.D.J. Roy Knight, MINISTER ✤ royknight@vsnl.net
R Dhayalan
R.Dhayalan ,Elder ✤ dayalanjanet@msn.com
R Christopher
Christipher Office worker ✤ gospelwork@india.com